From a Craigslist Ad Eugene W4W Forum regarding Girls Aloud vs. HotFlash
I have not wanted to get involved in arguments about the dances, as I do not think it serves the higher good. I will say a few things now, but I will not post about it again, so if you are looking for a debate...have kids or something!
No one event, or group, is going to serve everyone. Nor is everyone wanting to go to every event. This is a very difficult community of women to serve. I am thrilled that Girls Aloud is stepping up to the plate with something different. So they aren't perfect and have made mistakes....who is or hasn't???
The more events, the more we will be out getting to know each other, coming together celebrating. Hot Flash felt very exclusive & clique, to me. I disliked the music and rarely had a good time, as I didn't know folks. I only went when I felt desperate for community, and usually left feeling the same. Club Pynk is more fun, but has chosen a location that has a reputation for being unsafe for women. I stopped going to John Henry's years ago because of negative energy & being attacked on the dance floor by college boys. Though I tried Pynk a couple of times; I won't support JH anymore.
I will continue to support Girls Aloud. I like the music & have always loved the venue. I find people more open & friendly & am making new friends quickly. That their prices are lower is thoughtful & more inclusive, as they understand that we don't make as much here as in PDX. Also cool that they are giving back to our community with the food drive. I hope Girls Aloud has dances twice a month, as I would attend every time!
Stop thinking like minimalists & embrace abundance consciousness! Realize the more events there are, the better off we all are, whether they are on the same night or not. Our community can support it! But this back biting and "us vs. them" attitude is most harmful. Please stop attacking each other!
Be the change you want to see and help create a loving, inclusive woman's community in Eugene.
Well said.
And I want to state for the record that we were not intending to be in direct competition w/ HotFlash on Valentines Day. We hoped that with only a one hour overlap there wouldnt be any hurt feelings.
We at Girls Aloud focus on our community its needs as we see them. We feel there is enough room for everyone and for even more!
as always - peace - love - and freedom!